Tell me the story of all these things 27th March 2020


Arts Council Collection Tell me the story of all these things

“This is a key which used to belong to my Grandma before she passed away. She used to have one of those old, heavy, dark wood wardrobes in her bedroom and this was the key for it. I used to play with the wardrobe all the time, especially locking and unlocking the door. So when my grandparents both passed away and we sold their house, I took this key to remind me of them – I guess it was probably quite annoying for whoever took the wardrobe but I was quite young and didn’t really think about that at the time.”

As part of the exhibition, ‘Tell be the story of all these things‘. The exhibition title is inspired by Rehana Zaman’s 2016 film Tell me the story of all these things (included in the exhibition), which revolves around a conversation between the artist and her two sisters as they prepare a meal. Find out more about the exhibition.

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