Rascals began in 1993 when a small group of friends, from Torrevieja, Spain, decided to meet up regularly for social events. They wanted to raise money for local charities and entertain people so they started to put on shows in local bars and village squares.
In the early days they didn’t have computers or printers so they produced their own tickets by hand, using old cereal boxes. As they grew they started putting on shows in theatres around Torrevieja, raising tens of thousands of euros for local charities.
Rascals also perform at local care homes, homes for the elderly and regularly put on shows for people with special needs. They offer support to all their members and organise social events such as lunches, walking and day trips.
I was prompted to design the album cover because we have had to cancel our latest show, we were due to perform it at various venues in May, hopefully we can reschedule it for September.
You can follow us on Instagram at www.instagram.com/rascalstorrevieja @rascalstorrevieja