Saturday 4th April would have been the Private View of a week long Spring Exhibition I was due to take part in. Many artists have found the exhibitions they have been working towards are now on hold or cancelled so they cannot share or show the artwork they have been creating in their studios as they intended. Exhibitions are a brave endeavour where you reveal to the public some of what you have been thinking about and making in the private space of your studio, never quite knowing how the work will be received.
Consequently I wanted to share with you some of the collages and paintings I have been working on for the last few years that were planned to be in the show this week in the hope that looking at them will at least give you a few minutes respite from this strange new world we are living in.
Keep Safe.
Debbie Ayles

Your Own Personal Private View! Some images from a cancelled Spring Exhibition 7th April 2020
Visual art