Colouring/Mindfulness Activity Book 27th April 2020

Oanh with Art

Create at Home Visual art

In times of solitude, mental health is the utmost importance and I would like to do my part to help replenish one’s energy with art therapy. I created this free book colouring and activity booklet to help my friends ease stress, anxiety, and/or boredom when I saw them struggle with being home quarantined. Just want to spread love and share joy.

Here’s the link to download your file:

(scroll down the bottom and look for “MINDFULNESS ACTIVITIES” to download. It is to a collection of artwork, illustrations, colouring activities, games, zoom backgrounds, mindfulness worksheets.

To use as a means to decompress oneself, enjoy art, and/or find a creative outlet. Be creative with these files as you wish!

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